5 Innovative Strategies for Collecting Feedback via SMS and WhatsApp

Engaging with customers where they spend a significant amount of their time not only enhances response rates but also deepens customer relationships. WhatsApp and SMS, with their massive global reach and high engagement rates, provide unparalleled platforms for gathering rich, real-time customer feedback. This guide delves into the strategies, tools, and best practices for leveraging these platforms effectively.

Why WhatsApp and SMS for Customer Feedback?

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With over 2 billion users, WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, boasting open rates that dwarf traditional communication methods. SMS, similarly, delivers immediacy with nearly 100% open rates. These platforms offer businesses a direct, personal line to customers, facilitating not just communication but also immediate feedback collection.

Setting Up for Success:

Begin by establishing a WhatsApp Business account, which offers additional features like automated responses, labels for chat segmentation, and a business profile for enhanced professionalism. For SMS, integrate your system with CRM platforms that support SMS functionalities to manage messages effectively and gather insights seamlessly.

1. Implement Instant Feedback Mechanisms

Use automation tools to send a feedback request immediately after a purchase or service experience. For example:

Thank you for your purchase! On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your experience with us today? Reply with a number or type your comment.

This strategy capitalizes on the immediacy of customer emotions, increasing the accuracy and usefulness of the feedback collected.

2. Interactive Surveys with Chatbots

Deploy chatbots on WhatsApp to conduct interactive, engaging surveys. These bots can dynamically alter the flow of questions based on the customer’s responses, making the survey feel more personalized and less robotic.

Example of a chatbot interaction:

Bot: How satisfied were you with our service today?
Customer: Pretty good.
Bot: Great to hear that! Could you tell us what you liked the most?

3. Scheduled Feedback Requests

Timing your feedback requests can significantly impact the quality of responses. Schedule messages to follow up on a purchase or service a few days later to give customers time to fully experience your offering.

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Example scheduled message:

Hope you’re enjoying your new [product]! Could you share how it’s working for you? Your feedback helps us serve you better.

4. Rewarding Feedback Participation

Incentivizing feedback can motivate customers to engage more thoroughly. Offer discounts, loyalty points, or entries into contests in exchange for feedback. This approach not only increases participation rates but also enhances customer loyalty.

Example incentive message:

Thanks for choosing us! We’d love your feedback, and to thank you, we’ll give you 10% off your next order for sharing your thoughts!

5. Leveraging Multimedia Responses

Encourage customers to send feedback in the form of voice notes, images, or videos. This method can be particularly useful for product feedback where visual or audio elements can provide deeper insights than text feedback alone.

Example prompt:

If you have a minute, could you send us a video showing how you use our product? We’d love to see it in action!



Adopting WhatsApp and SMS for customer feedback not only streamlines your data collection process but also significantly enhances the quality and reliability of the insights you gather. These platforms allow you to meet customers on their preferred communication channels, increasing engagement and satisfaction.

Ready to transform your customer feedback process with WhatsApp and SMS? Get a demo for a tailored solution that maximizes engagement and harnesses the full potential of instant messaging.

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