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Text Messaging in Australia


Country Summary


Country nameAustralia
ISO codeAU
Two Way SMS SupportSupported
Dialing code61


To send and receive SMS in Australia, you need a sender ID, credits and user license. Sender ID for Australia can be long code and alphanumeric sender IDs.

Long code are used for 2 way SMS, while alphanumeric sender ID’s are used for outgoing SMS only. Please talk to our expert before choosing type of sender ID.

Long Code – These sender IDs are typically used for sending person-to-person communication like appointment reminders, alerts, and announcements. That means you may use it to send messages to customers, employees, and other individuals with an interest in your business.

Alphanumeric Sender IDs- Use a custom name as the sender ID instead of a phone number for your outbound SMS. it can be used for outgoing SMS only. On these sender IDs, incoming cannot be received. 


SMS Pricing

SMS pricing is based on the destination and type of message you’re sending. Text messages are charged 1 credit per segment of 160 characters outgoing SMS.

Outgoing SMS price per credit- $0.084

Incoming SMS price- Free

1 Long Code price – $9/month (Good for 10 SMS per second)

1 Alpha Numeric Sender ID price – $9/month (Good for 10 outgoing SMS per second)


Compliance Guidelines


Text Messaging Cloud customers, including their end-users and clients, must comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Text Messaging Cloud recommends all customers consult qualified legal counsel to ensure proposed use cases comply with all applicable laws. Sending gambling-related content is strictly prohibited in Australia.

Unsolicited Communication – Australia is an interactive guide to the dos and don’ts of direct marketing. It contains everything you need to know about sending advertising material by email, fax, SMS, or letter, including a list of the current legislation. Unsolicited communication can be sent to existing customers, potential customers, or even people who have never heard of your business. Sending unsolicited communications is legal but the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has set down some guidelines that you need to adhere to for your unsolicited communication to be lawful.

For more information about Unsolicited Communication Australia visit For further information about business law and regulation visit

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Text Messaging in Australia: Everything You Wanted to Know

Text message marketing is a great way to reach your target audience and is growing in popularity. Text message marketing services have been used by a large number of businesses today. Text messaging has been used in Australia since the 1990s and is one of the most popular forms of communication on mobile devices. In 2015, Australians sent more than 55 billion text messages every month – that’s almost 200 million texts per day or around 6,000 texts per second. It is one of the most powerful ways to market your business in Australia.


Map Of Australia


This means you can use it as a great way to advertise your business and get the word out about your products and services. Text message marketing is used by many businesses because it’s very cost-effective, yet the more you know about the best practices, the more successful it will be for you.

The success of text message marketing in the United States has led to this form of marketing gaining popularity around the world, including in Australia. It’s a powerful way to promote your business, but with great power comes great responsibility. Treat your customers’ wireless number with the same care you would their home address or phone number. If you’re not careful with your text message marketing, you could get caught up in a spam scandal or land yourself in litigation.

The text message marketing services companies help you in advertising your products and services using a mobile phone.


Here’s what you need to know about being safe and successful with text message marketing in Australia


Identify a target audience – Your business will probably have many different customer groups, including students, families, and seniors. Focus on one for the initial campaign, and then move to the others once you’re comfortable with your strategy.

Create a campaign plan – What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to sell something, or do you want to build brand awareness? Be clear about your goals before you get started with any text message marketing campaign. A good way to ensure that your objectives are aligned is by working with an experienced agency such as Trusted Media Brands.

Find the right platform for your campaign – There are many platforms available for texting customers. Each has its benefits and drawbacks; some offer better analytics than others, for example. Consider what matters most to you when making this decision.

Write content for your messages – The messaging element of your text message marketing campaign should be crafted in a way that’s friendly and approachable, not overly.


Why text message marketing is a powerful method for businesses to use in Australia?


In Australia alone, there are over 27 million mobile phone users. This means that there is an enormous amount of potential customers for you to reach through text messages. Texting is one of the most direct and instant messaging tools that businesses can use to market their services and products. There are lots of people who prefer to receive information about your products or services via text messages, who live in Australia. It’s a great idea because you will not only be able to reach them when they’re on the go, but you’ll also be able to save both time and money as well. It’s been proven that businesses that use text message marketing see higher conversion rates than those that don’t.

It’s very important to be clear and precise with your message if you want people to remember it, and if you want them to believe you. If you’re going to use a service like this, it would be wise to rely on the help of professionals who know how to craft an effective message that can catch the attention of readers. This way, you’ll get the results that you want and you’ll also avoid spending more money on it than is necessary

Text message marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to help businesses in Australia. It is an effective means of promoting their products and services to the people they are targeting, which is why it is widely used. Text messages are short and to the point, making them perfect for advertising certain products or services. The business can send out the text message once, and then leave the customer to decide whether or not he wants to engage with them further by ringing a certain number or visiting a website.


How businesses can utilize text message marketing in Australia?


There is no doubt that this is one of the cheapest and effective ways to market your business in Australia. The thing with this service is that you will be able to see the results for yourself and that too immediately. If you want to be successful, then you need to find out how exactly this service works. You can easily get this information from the company itself. They will tell you everything that you need to know about it so that you can get started immediately.

Even though it is such a powerful tool, text message marketing can be carried out without any negative effects on the environment. It does not involve the use of paper at all, and this makes it an eco-friendly way for businesses to advertise their products and services. Text message marketing is an extremely popular form of advertising because of how effective it can be. This popularity has led to many companies offering their services in this area and today there are plenty of opportunities for businesses in Australia to take advantage of this medium of communication.

  • When you want to promote a specific product or service

There are other ways you can promote your products and services to increase sales and revenue. One is through social media, where you can share pictures of your products, write reviews and interact with your followers as well as customers. However, if you’re looking to boost sales and revenue, there’s no need to pay for advertisements. Just send out text messages instead!

Text messaging is fast, effective, and inexpensive. All you need are the right tools to help you reach out to prospects, customers, and clients to promote your business via text message marketing.

  • To let your customers, know about a sale or special offer

Texting is one of the most popular ways to stay in touch with your customers today because everyone has a cell phone these days. This can be very useful in keeping up with those who want to know more about what’s going on with your company or to be notified about sales or special offers that might interest them.

Letting your customers know about a sale or special offer can be done via text message. You can use text messaging to inform your customers of sales, deals, and special offers. This will help you retain your clients and keep them engaged in the process.

  • To ask for feedback or carry out market research

Feedback is a way to get instant information about how well your product or service is working for people. You can get feedback about the product or service, the website, the packaging, or the customer service itself. Asking for feedback is a great way to get people to leave reviews, especially if you offer a discount or other incentive in exchange. It’s also a great way to understand your customers better and improve your customer service.

Here are some tips to get started:

Pick a specific, targeted question – It’s better to ask one targeted question than five general ones. You should also ask questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no.”


Choose an appropriate time – Consider when your customers visit your site and how often they do so. If you’re launching something new, consider asking people who’ve visited the site recently while they’re still on it.


Keep it simple – Just put out one message at a time, and don’t overwhelm people with multiple requests at once (you’ll dilute the effectiveness of any surveys you run).

Find out who the major competitors are in your local area. Knowing who they are will help you promote your business to them using text messaging. If you want to promote your business at the same time, make sure you have double opt-in enabled on your marketing messages so that you do not end up spamming people.

  • To remind customers about your company’s existence and services available

Text messages are a quick and easy way for business owners and consumers to communicate with each other. You can use them for everything from promotions to news updates.

To remind customers about your company’s existence and services available, send out a text message blast once or twice a month. The message should be short and sweet and include a link to your business’ website. If you’re having a sale or have new products available, let customers know they can get more information by texting back. People respond well to text messaging because it is quick and easy.


How businesses can optimize text message marketing in Australia?


With the rise of smartphones, text messages have become a popular way to communicate. This is especially the case with millennials, who grew up using text messaging on their cell phones and want to continue using it for business purposes. In Australia alone, there are over 27 million mobile phone users. This means that there is an enormous amount of potential customers for you to reach through text messages.

The research shows that text messages are effective for many reasons:

They’re informal – Customers can reach you immediately and in real-time.

They’re convenient – Texting is almost instant, unlike email or phone calls that can be ignored or missed.

They’re more personal – A text message feels more like a private conversation than an advertisement or sales pitch.

They’re convenient to use – An increasing number of people are using their cell phones as their primary means of communication, so customers often find it easy to reach you via text.

They’re inexpensive – Sending a text message doesn’t cost anything beyond your standard data plan and your time (though it does take extra effort).

They feel safe – People may be more likely to respond to texts from brands they know or trust because they don’t view them as spam or scams. Scams occur when companies send unsolicited texts and then charge customers for premium services they didn’t request (and sometimes didn’t receive). These deceptive practices violate consumer protection laws and cause harm to businesses.


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