Text Messaging In USA: Everything You Wanted To Know


Country Summary

Country nameUnited States
ISO codeUS
RegionNorth America
Two Way SMS SupportSupported
Dialing code1

To send and receive SMS in USA, you need a sender ID, credits and user license. Sender ID for USA can be long code, short code and toll free number. 

Long code and toll free number are used for general usecases while short code is used for higher volume messaging. Please talk to our expert before choosing type of sender ID.

Short Code – Shortcodes are ideal for marketing messages, any form of bulk messaging, or messages containing URLs. The regulations for US shortcodes will be provided to you once your application is approved.

Long Code & Toll Free Numbers- These sender IDs are typically used for sending person-to-person communication like appointment reminders, alerts, and announcements. That means you may use it to send messages to customers, employees, and other individuals with an interest in your business.


SMS Pricing

SMS pricing is based on the destination and type of message you’re sending. Text messages are charged 1 credit per segment of 160 characters outgoing SMS.

Outgoing SMS price per credit- $0.018

Outgoing MMS price per credit- $0.072

Incoming SMS price- Free

Incoming MMS price- Free

1 Long Code price – $2/month (Good for 1 SMS per second)

1 Toll-Free  price – $5/month (Good for 3 SMS per second)

1 Dedicated Short Code price- $2000/month (100 SMS per second)

SMS Carrier fee per outgoing SMS segment -$0.005 


Compliance Guidelines


Text Messaging Cloud customers, including their end-users and clients, must comply with applicable laws and regulations. Several U.S. telecommunications providers assess fees for non-compliant A2P traffic, which Text Messaging Cloud will pass on to you. To date T-Mobile is the first U.S. telecommunications provider to announce non-compliance fees for violations of its Code of Conduct; if additional U.S. providers announce non-compliance fees, we will inform you accordingly via these guidelines.

T-Mobile non-compliance fees are as follows:

10DLC Long Code Messaging Program Evasion: Any program/campaign that is found to be using techniques such as snowshoeing or unauthorized number replacement will be charged a $1,000 pass-through fee.

Content Violation: T-Mobile reserves the right to impose a $10,000 pass-through fee for each instance of content violating the T-Mobile Code of Conduct that is sent by the same entity. This includes SHAFT (Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco) violations, spam, phishing, and messaging that meets the Severity 0 violation as defined in the CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook. All Non-compliance costs will be passed on to customers.

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