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Why WhatsApp and SMS are the Next Big Thing in Banking Customer Service

In the era of digital banking, customers expect quick and efficient service from their financial institutions. With the rise of messaging apps such as WhatsApp and SMS, banks are now able to provide real-time assistance to their customers. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using messaging apps for customer service, particularly in the banking industry, and why it is the next big thing in banking customer service.


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The Rise of Messaging Apps


Messaging apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. According to a study by Business Insider, messaging apps have now surpassed social media in terms of monthly active users. WhatsApp, one of the most popular messaging apps, has over 2 billion active users globally. This widespread adoption of messaging apps has created a new channel for customer service, with businesses now able to provide assistance to customers through these platforms.


The Benefits of Using Messaging Apps for Customer Service


There are several benefits to using messaging apps for customer service, particularly in the banking industry. Here are some of the key benefits:


Real-Time Assistance


Messaging apps provide real-time assistance to customers, enabling them to get help when they need it. This is particularly useful for banking customers who may need assistance with their accounts or transactions outside of traditional banking hours.




Messaging apps are a cost-effective solution for customer service, particularly compared to traditional call centers. By using messaging apps, banks can reduce the number of staff required to handle customer queries, resulting in cost savings.


Improved Customer Experience


Messaging apps provide a convenient and seamless customer experience, with customers able to get help quickly and easily. This can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased retention rates.




Messaging apps enable banks to provide a more personalized service to their customers. By using data analytics and customer insights, banks can tailor their responses to individual customers, providing a more customized experience.


CRM-Messaging: The Future of Customer Service


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been an essential tool for businesses for many years. By using data and customer insights, businesses can better understand their customers and provide a more personalized service. The rise of messaging apps has led to the development of CRM-Messaging, a new approach to customer service that combines the benefits of messaging apps with the power of CRM.


CRM-Messaging enables businesses to provide a more personalized service to their customers through messaging apps. By integrating messaging apps with CRM systems, businesses can access customer data and insights, enabling them to tailor their responses to individual customers. This can result in a more personalized and efficient service, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.


The Benefits of CRM-Messaging for Banking Customer Service


There are several benefits of using CRM-Messaging for banking customer service. Here are some of the key benefits:


Seamless Integration


CRM-Messaging integrates seamlessly with existing banking systems, enabling banks to access customer data and insights quickly and easily. This can result in a more efficient service, with banks able to provide personalized responses to customer queries.


Improved Customer Experience


CRM-Messaging provides a more personalized and efficient service, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. By tailoring responses to individual customers, banks can provide a more customized experience, leading to increased retention rates.


Increased Efficiency


CRM-Messaging can increase the efficiency of banking customer service. By using data analytics and customer insights, banks can identify patterns in customer queries and automate responses to common queries. This can reduce the workload for customer service staff, enabling them to focus on more complex queries.




CRM-Messaging is a cost-effective solution for banking customer service. By using data analytics and automation, banks can reduce the number of staff required to handle customer queries, resulting in cost savings.




Messaging apps such as WhatsApp and SMS are the next big thing in banking customer service. With their real-time assistance, cost-effectiveness, improved customer experience, and personalization, messaging apps have become an essential channel for banks to provide assistance to their customers. The rise of CRM-Messaging, which combines the benefits of messaging apps with the power of CRM, has taken customer service to a new level.


By integrating messaging apps with CRM systems, banks can access customer data and insights, enabling them to tailor their responses to individual customers.

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