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Error Codes

Error CodeChannelDetails
1SMSThrottled. You are sending SMS faster than the account limit.
2SMSMissing Parameters. Your request is missing one of the required parameters from, to, api_key, api_secret or text.
3SMSInvalid Parameters. The value of one or more parameters is invalid.
4SMSInvalid Credentials. Your API key and/or secret are incorrect, invalid or disabled.
5SMSInternal Error. An error has occurred in the platform whilst processing this message.
6SMSInvalid Message. The platform was unable to process this message, for example, an un-recognized number prefix.
7SMSNumber Barred. The number you are trying to send messages to is blacklisted and may not receive them.
8SMSPartner Account Barred. Your Vonage account has been suspended.
Partner Quota Violation. You do not have sufficient credit to send the message.
Too Many Existing Binds. The number of simultaneous connections to the platform exceeds your account allocation.
Account Not Enabled For HTTP. This account is not provisioned for the SMS API.
Message Too Long. The message length exceeds the maximum allowed.
Invalid Signature. The signature supplied could not be verified.
15SMSInvalid Sender Address. You are using a non-authorized sender ID in the from field.
Invalid Network Code. The network code supplied was either not recognized, or does not match the country of the destination address.
Invalid Callback Url. The callback URL supplied was either too long or contained illegal characters.
Non-Whitelisted Destination. Your Vonage account is still in demo mode. While in demo mode you must add target numbers to your whitelisted destination list.
32SMSSignature And API Secret Disallowed. A signed request may not also present an api_secret.
Number De-activated. The number you are trying to send messages to is de-activated and may not receive them.
190WhatsApp APIAccess token has expired
10001SMSInactive phone number
10002SMSInvalid phone number
10003SMSInvalid URL
10004SMSMissing required parameter
10005SMSResource not found
10006SMSInvalid ID
10007SMSUnexpected error
10008SMSRequest timeout
10009SMSAuthentication failed
10010SMSAuthorization failed
10011SMSToo many requests
10012SMSDuplicate resource
10013SMSMissing association
10014SMSUnsupported Media Type
10015SMSBad Request
10016SMSPhone number must be in +E.164 format
10017SMSAssociated resource does not exist
10018SMSInvalid sort direction
10019SMSInvalid email address
10020SMSInvalid resource type
10021SMSResource in use
10022SMSOne or more invalid IDs
10023SMSInvalid JSON
10024SMSUnsupported Content-Type
10025SMSString length out of range
10026SMSInvalid parameter type
10027SMSUnprocessable Entity
10028SMSCharacter encoding error
10029SMSExpected JSON Content-Type
10030SMSMethod not allowed
10031SMSInvalid request filter
10032SMSInvalid enumerated value
10033SMSValue outside of range
10034SMSExpected URL-encoded form Content-Type
10035SMSResource locked
10036SMSResource is being processed
10037SMSService unavailable
10700SMSInvalid caller data
20000SMSInvalid resource groups
20001SMSInvalid API Key secret
20002SMSAPI Key revoked
20003SMSAPI Key forbidden
20004SMSInvalid permission groups
20005SMSInvalid user
20006SMSExpired access token
20007SMSInvalid permission groups
20008SMSInvalid API Key
20009SMSInvalid user
20010SMSInvalid invitation
20011SMSAPI Key in use
20012SMSAccount inactive
20013SMSAccount blocked
20014SMSAccount unverified
20015SMSFeature not enabled
20016SMSAccount not level 1 verified
20017SMSAccount not level 2 verified
20100SMSInsufficient Funds
20200SMSInvalid address
20201SMSInvalid country code
20202SMSInvalid locality
20203SMSInvalid neighborhood
20204SMSInvalid administrative area
20205SMSInvalid postal code
20206SMSInvalid borough
20207SMSInvalid street address
20208SMSInvalid street address house number
20209SMSInvalid extended address
30001SMSAccount suspended
30002SMSAccount suspended
30003SMSUnreachable destination handset
30004SMSMessage blocked
30005SMSUnknown destination handset
30006SMSLandline or unreachable carrier
30007SMSMessage filtered
30008SMSUnknown error
30009SMSMissing inbound segment
30010SMSMessage price exceeds max price
30011SMSIncoming MMS not supported by the receiving phone number in this region
30022SMSUS A2P 10DLC – Rate Limits Exceeded
30023SMSUS A2P 10DLC – Daily Message Cap Reached
30024SMSNumeric Sender ID Not Provisioned on Carrier
30032SMSToll-Free Number Has Not Been Verified
30032SMSToll-Free Number Has Not Been Verified
30033SMSUS A2P 10DLC – Campaign Suspended
30034SMSUS A2P 10DLC – Message from an Unregistered Number
30035SMSUS A2P 10DLC – Message from a number still being configured
30400SMSParameters are not valid
40001SMSNot routable
40002SMSBlocked as spam – temporary
40003SMSBlocked as spam – permanent
40004SMSRejected by destination
40005SMSMessage expired during transmission
40006SMSRecipient server unavailable
40007SMSLoop detected
40009SMSInvalid message body
40011SMSToo many requests
40012SMSInvalid messaging destination number
40013SMSInvalid messaging source number
40014SMSMessage expired in queue
40015SMSBlocked as spam – internal
40016SMST-Mobile 10DLC sending limit reached
40018SMSAT&T 10DLC sending limit reached
40100SMSNumber not messaging enabled.
40150SMSToll free number not in registry
40151SMSMessage enablement pending with other provider
40152SMSInvalid OSR parameter
40153SMSCannot access OSR
40154SMSUnauthorized NNID
40155SMSLOA required
40156SMSUnauthorized property name/value
40157SMSTemporarily blocked
40158SMSDelete failed
40159SMSUnknown OSR error
40300SMSBlocked due to STOP message
40301SMSUnsupported message type for the ‘to’ address
40302SMSMessage too large
40303SMSMessage not found
40304SMSInvalid combination of message content arguments
40305SMSInvalid ‘from’ address
40306SMSAlpha sender not configured
40307SMSAlpha sender mismatch
40308SMSInvalid ‘from’ address for MMS
40309SMSInvalid destination region
40310SMSInvalid ‘to’ address
40311SMSInvalid messaging profile secret
40312SMSMessaging profile is disabled
40313SMSMissing messaging profile secret
40314SMSMessaging disabled on account
40315SMSUnhealthy ‘from’ address
40316SMSNo content provided for message
40317SMSInvalid MMS content
40318SMSMessage queue full
40319SMSIncompatible message type for the ‘to’ address
40320SMSTemporarily unusable ‘from’ address
40321SMSNo usable numbers on messaging profile
40322SMSBlocked due to content
40323SMSMessaging activation failed
40324SMSMessaging product type change failed
40325SMSInvalid alphanumeric sender ID
40326SMSCannot assign alphanumeric sender ID
40327SMSInvalid Domain
40328SMSSMS exceeds recommended size
40330SMSTollfree number is not provisioned
50000SMSVRF still deployed
50001SMSVRF not deployed
50002SMSVRF already deployed
60200SMSInvalid parameter
60201SMSInvalid verification code
60202SMSMax check attempts reached
60203SMSMax send attempts reached
60204SMSService does not support this feature
60205SMSSMS is not supported by landline phone number
60206SMSAmount & Payee params are required
60207SMSMax rate limits per service reached
60208SMSRate limit with that UniqueName already exists
60209SMSUniqueName format is invalid
60210SMSMax Buckets per Rate limit reached
60211SMSBucket with the given Interval already exists
60212SMSToo many concurrent requests for phone number
60213SMSA Messaging Configuration already exists for the given country
63001SMSChannel could not authenticate the request. Please see Channel specific error message for more information
63002SMSChannel could not find the From address
63003SMSThe To address was entered or formatted incorrectly
63011SMSInvalid Request: SMS encountered an error while processing your request
63016SMSFailed to send freeform message because you are outside the allowed window. If you are using WhatsApp API, please use a Message Template.
63028SMSNumber of parameters provided does not match the expected number of parameters
63033SMSRecipient blocked to receive message
63034SMSMedia exceeds size limit
70000SMSConsumption reached data limit
70002SMSInvalid data format
70003SMSMobile operators’ preferences priorities are out of sequence
70004SMSOTA update in progress
70005SMSCould not delete SIM card group
70006SMSCould not delete default SIM card group
70007SMSSIM card doesn’t have a SIM card group
70008SMSPublic IPs are unavailable at this time
80000SMSWrong account
80001SMSInactive number
80002SMSWrong provider
80003SMSPending order
80004SMSInvalid desired due date
80005SMSInvalid passcode or pin
80006SMSInvalid PON
80007SMSFOC expired
80008SMSMissing LOA
80009SMSIllegible LOA
80010SMSExpired LOA
80011SMSInvalid SPID
80012SMSUnsuported carrier
80013SMSInvalid country
80014SMSService address mismatch
80015SMSStranded phone numbers
80016SMSNo CSR data available
80017SMSInvalid service provider type
80018SMSInvalid FOC date
80019SMSInvalid service provider ID
80020SMSInvalid subscription status
80021SMSInvalid porting option
80022SMSInvalid document type
80023SMSInvalid value for rate centers
80024SMSRecord could not be deleted
80100SMSSubscription version not created
80101SMSSubscription version does not match
80200SMSDuplicate phone numbers found
80201SMSPhone number limit exceeded
80400SMSInvalid credentials
80401SMSToo many phone numbers
85000SMSMust search phone number via search API first
85001SMSPhone numbers not available
85002SMSPhone numbers update not allowed on this order
85003SMSRegulatory requirements already satisfied
85004SMSInvalid connection id provided
85005SMSInvalid messaging profile id provided
85006SMSThe phone number is already reserved
85007SMSReservation limit exceeded
85008SMSReservation extension limit exceeded
90000SMSInvalid value for format
90001SMSInvalid value for channels
90002SMSInvalid value for timeout
90003SMSInvalid value for inter_digit_timeout
90004SMSInvalid value for min
90005SMSInvalid value for max
90006SMSInvalid value for tries
90007SMSInvalid value for terminating_digit
90008SMSInvalid value for valid_digits
90009SMSInvalid value for loop
90010SMSInvalid value for payload
90011SMSInvalid value for payload_type
90012SMSInvalid value for voice
90013SMSInvalid value for language
90014SMSInvalid value for digits
90015SMSInvalid Call Control ID
90016SMSInvalid value for stop
90017SMSInvalid value for client_state
90018SMSCall has already ended
90019SMSConference has already ended
90020SMSCall recording triggered before audio started
90021SMSInvalid value for duration
90022SMSInvalid value for minimum_digits
90023SMSInvalid value for maximum_digits
90024SMSInvalid value for maximum_tries
90025SMSInvalid value for timeout_millis
90026SMSInvalid value for inter_digit_timeout_millis
90027SMSInvalid value for duration_millis
90028SMSInvalid value for timeout_secs
90029SMSInvalid value for time_limit_secs
90030SMSInvalid value for service_level
90031SMSCall is not currently forked
90032SMSToo many conference participants
90033SMSConference has no active participants
90034SMSCall has not been answered yet
90100SMSNotification key is invalid
90101SMSNotification context is invalid

WhatsApp APIUnable to deliver message. Reasons can include:
The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number.
Recipient has not accepted our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Recipient using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:Android:
KaiOS: 2.2130.10
Web: 2.2132.6
130472WhatsApp APIUser’s number is part of an experiment
131000WhatsApp APIMessage failed to send due to an unknown error.
131008WhatsApp APIMissing a required parameter.
131009WhatsApp APIValue entered for a parameter is of the wrong type or other problem.
131009WhatsApp APIOne or more parameter values are invalid.
131021WhatsApp APISender and recipient phone number is the same.

WhatsApp API
Unable to deliver message. Reasons can include:
The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number.
Recipient has not accepted our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Recipient using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:Android:
KaiOS: 2.2130.10
Web: 2.2132.6
131031WhatsApp APIThe WhatsApp Business Account associated with the app has been restricted or disabled for violating a platform policy, or we were unable to verify data included in the request against data set on the WhatsApp Business Account (e.g, the two-step pin included in the request is incorrect).
131042WhatsApp APIMessage failed to send because there were one or more errors related to your payment method.
131049WhatsApp APIMeta chose not to deliver. This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement.
131043WhatsApp APIMessage failed to send during its Time To Live (TTL) duration.
131047WhatsApp APIMessage failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number.
131048WhatsApp APIMessage failed to send because there are restrictions on how many messages can be sent from this phone number. This may be because too many previous messages were blocked or flagged as spam.
130153WhatsApp APIUnable to upload the media used in the message.
132000WhatsApp APINumber of parameters provided does not match the expected number of parameters.
132001WhatsApp APIThe template does not exist in the specified language or the template has not been approved.
132012WhatsApp APIParameter format does not match format in the created Template.
Error Codes

If you are not able to find the error code, raise a ticket at [email protected].