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Airline Text Templates

Sr. NoTemplate NameTemplate Body
1PromotionsQuick — we’re having a flash sale!
Get flights to {{travel_destination}} from
${{price}} via {{airline name}} Airlines. Limited
quantities available, so hurry book now!

Hey {{recipient_name}}, it’s been a while
since your last booking. We miss you and
thought you deserved this special offer:
{{discount_code}}. Key this in when making
a booking here: {{website_url}}
2ReferralsEnjoyed your journey with{{airline_name}}?
Share this link {{referral_link}} with up to 4
friends and enjoy a {{discount}}% off the
next time you travel with us!

Hello {{recipient_name}}, looking forward to
speaking with you today at
{{appointment_time}}. Feel free to let me
know if you need to reschedule.
3TipsHey {{recipient_name}}, always worried your
luggage will exceed the weight limit? Check
out these top 7 tips on packing light for your
next holiday {{website_url}}

Hey {{recipient_name}}, check out the top 10
most underrated travel destinations of
{{year}}! You’ll be surprised to see some on
the list.
Get some fun ideas for your next trip here:
4AlertsHi {{recipient_name}}, to check the status
of your flight, please click this link:

Hi {{recipient_name}}, to check the status
of your flight, please click this link:
Airline Text Templates