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Update Contact

To create update in CRM Messaging portal, make a POST call to updateContact API

curl --location --request POST '' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN' 
--form 'phone="PHONE_NUMBER"' 

Here API_TOKEN can be found in the developer console Text Messaging for Marketers and Sales Reps – CRM Messaging (

PHONE_NUMBER is the contact phone number. To update any field, you can pass fname, lname, email, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5 and group_name where fname is first name, lname is last name, email is email address, and group_name is group name.

Response Code :

200 => Data Updated successfully
201 => Missing parameter
405 => Method Not Allowed
401 => Something went wrong! Data Not Insert
428 => Bearer Token Not Found!